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About Us

Australian Investigation Recovery Service (AIRS) began after being notified by a Recovery Agency with respect to some misplaced superannuation. After engaging the Agency, they uncovered another sum of money belonging to us which we had no idea about. Within weeks we received our cheque, we were so grateful for this service. This sparked our curiosity, how many other people are out there just like us?

We began to research the industry for ourselves. We were absolutely surprised and shocked to find the amount of money entitled to fellow Australians unbeknownst to them. These Individuals, Businesses, Companies, and Associations, have no idea what is rightfully theirs, and will never be notified by these regulatory bodies holding their entitled money. The onus is on them to find it.


My question is, How do you find something, you didn’t know you’ve misplaced or Lost ?

What the real eye opener was, at present within Australia alone there is over $1 billion dollars of “Lost” or “Abandoned” money sitting in various Governments and Institutions , and partly due to a 2012 Government policy amendment, this amount is continuing to grow.

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