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1.  At present within Australia alone there is over $1 billion dollars of “Lost” or “Abandoned” money sitting in various Government Departments and Institutions , and partly due to a 2012 Government policy amendment, this amount is growing faster than ever before. 

2.   One of the biggest reasons why their is so much unclaimed monies is because locating money (particularly when no one is interested in you finding it)  is difficult to do,  at AIRS we have set up a database that allows us to conduct quick, accurate searches at relatively low cost.

3.   You will not have to lift a finger, we do everything for you and use a two tier service fee system.  The first tier fee starts at only $77.00 inc GST and then 15% commission calculated on the amount recovered. 

4.   Figures within the Australian Government indicate that less than 3% of the rightful owners will ever find or receive their money. The other 97% are simply unaware “like we were” of their lost or misplaced money entitlements. 

5.   There are a variety of reasons why share dividends remain unclaimed,  in some cases it's as simple as stock owners have not updated their contact details.  We will find what dividends are owning to you

6.   In 2013-14 the NSW Office of State Revenue  change and removed unclaimed register records, these 17,500 records amounted to a extimated total value of $11,000,000.


7.   Bank Accounts now become 'Unclaimed' only after 3 years and not 7 years so time to investigate is now. 

Doesn’t matter who you are, in most cases people have money which they have legal right too collect.

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